Saturday, April 26, 2008

Class 3: Week 4


How's it goin!?!?!...oh me?! I'm great! Busy but staying alive. This week and last week we continued work on our pantomime shot. Last week we did blocking plus and this week we did our first polish pass. We still have one more week on this assingment and then we start DIALOGUE!! I've started looking for a audio clip. Its a tough challenge to find something I like that is the right length with one character. But, I'll find something. Here is my blocking plus and polish01 for my shot. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!




Friday, April 18, 2008

CLASS 3!!!!!


I'm behind once again on posting believe it or not. Things are getting busy at EA. Our first big milestone, Alpha, is in a few weeks!! I started Class 3 at AM a few weeks ago! My mentor is Jay Jackson. He is a animation vet! Some of his film credits include: The Little Mermaid, Tarzan, Atlantis, Cats Don't Dance, and The Prince and the Pauper. More recently he started doing 3D animation and has worked at Rythm and Hues and is now doing freelance animation work. He has been a GREAT mentor so far and I'm excited to learn from him!

Our first of two assingments this term is a pantomime assignment. We must convey a change of emotion with the Stewie character. My idea was to have a chacter waiting for a phone call. Someone calls but its not who he's waiting for so he's upset. The assingment is due in Session 305 so we have a couple more weeks to work on it. Here is my planning, reference and blocking for my shot. This week we are working on blocking plus.

Also, the episode of The Price is Right aired that my best friend and I went to so here are a few screen grabs of that!! You can watch the full episode at:

Just look for Full Episodes. It aired on 4/17/2008.

Have a great week!!


Pantomime Reference

Planning Drawings


The Price Is Right!

Keaton got called up...and we were excited!

He also won in Contestants Row and went up on Stage!

He gave Drew a BIG hug...

He didn't win his game but got to spin the wheel!

He got 50 cents but it wasn't enough...

I had a couple quick star-studded appearances including this one...where Drew Carey and I are in the same shot...
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